At Endercon, a world-threatening monster known as the Wither Storm is unleashed. It is up to Jesse and their friends to reassemble the Order of the Stone, a group of adventurers famous for slaying the Ender Dragon. Jesse and their friends must recruit the remaining members of the Order to help defeat the Wither Storm. Trapped inside of Soren's fortress, Jesse and their friends must find Soren to build a weapon that can destroy the Wither Storm. After a crushing defeat, Jesse and their friends must go on a long journey to the Far Lands to find the one thing capable of destroying the Command Block at the Wither Storm's core. Along the way, Jesse and friends make a shocking discovery about the Order's history. Jesse, Petra, Lukas, and Ivor find a mysterious portal and wind up in a strange place called Sky City. After being framed for supposed crimes, Jesse and their friends must clear their names and stop an old enemy from destroying an innocent world. Jesse and their friends end up in a room full of portals and must find a portal leading to the overworld. The first portal they go to leads to a party in a mansion. However, one guest is killing off the others. Can Jesse and friends find the killer? Or will the killer find them? Continuing their portal journey in search of home, Jesse and crew land in a world entirely controlled by PAMA - a sinister "thinking machine" determined to command everyone and everything with redstone mind control chips. Forced on the run to avoid capture and assimilation, Jesse must work with a new ally to defeat the corrupted computer and free the population it has enslaved. Jesse, Petra, Lukas, and Ivor try to find The Old Builders, who can supposedly help them find their way home. However, if Jesse is to survive the Old Builders' Gladiator Games and get home, he must forge new friendships with the other contestants and navigate a labyrinth of lies and deception.
12 parts