Born from the Void itself, an entity known as "Lord X" has been around for a millennium of years, creating chaos as he traversed throughout the universe with other beings similar to him until one Fateful day, while strolling around to liberate himself from his boredom, he stumbled upon a planet Earth from an Alternate universe along with its inhabitants. At first he viewed this as something useless in his red eyes, not after he looked further into its people and saw some have acquired the ability to have powers, something you don't see often. Amused from the fight created by the defenders of good named "Superhero's" and so called creators of chaos dubbed "Villains", he decided to play a game with both sides, mess with their objectives and see if they can satisfy him, entertaining his soul just enough to not make him destroy the world. Will they manage to entertain Lord X and save their lives? Bore him even more to the point of annihilation of their kind or will they manage to turn him to the good side- Pfft! Ha! As if that's gonna happen.
6 parts