Set in a secret world where supernatural abilities are a reality but hidden from the general public. Espers gain their abilities without the aid of special scientific instruments, whether at birth or otherwise, by unlocking the hidden power within the brain. Psychic powers, the latent energies that have always been present but untapped, lie dormant inside each human being waiting to be awakened. When a mom lifts a car off their child. When someone feels eyes staring at their back, when someone gets lucky, and the bullet misses their heart. Telekinesis, telepathy, channelling, and many more powers are available to those who harness and master the use of their extra-sensory perception. These people are sought after by three factions. First, governments seek to fill labs and armies via science by augmenting them with technology to gain military and scientific might. Others, known as the Faith, perfect their powers upon mastering the power of magic, either by obtaining knowledge from different mythologies or by using mystical artifacts. Last the Academy seeks out Espers to protect, train, and prepare them to survive in this shadow world as the existence of sorcerers is a secret from the public. The story follows Ciradyl Elgeiros, the apathetic professor, a gifted esper prodigy who, as a young adult, is numb to the dealings of the secret world and wishes to give their students the gift of enjoying everyday life.