Aahir Karthik:- successfully in his field as a pilot. He is a car racers and bike racer as a part-time job. He had passions for cars and bikes. no one can touch his cars and biks without his permission. He can never compromise in any think never. Aahir had some anger issues. When someone got on his bad terms.he can do anything for revenge. He never cares about other people's emotions. He had his whole family. he can never share his family with anyone. Yes, Captain Aahir is a jealous type of boy. Ayesha mathura:- being a silly, clumsy, talkative girl. Ayesha is a sweetheart. She thinks with her heart. She loves her sister most. She is 22 years old and in last year of her college. She believes in love at first sights. She got unlucky because her parents got died in accidents when she was only 2 years old. Now, she lives with her sister and her sister's husband. Two different personalities with different dreams and expectations. Go and ready this story to know more about it