The age of cyber war has come. State sponsored hacker teams prowl the networks and systems across the Internet and connections in space; satellites broadcasting the ware to the masses. The latest team of Russian Bear APTs (Nobelium), are dispatched to Iran to assist in a Hunt Forward operation, set to engage and repulse those who would attack the Iranian nuclear plant, again. An SVR Major, with no name, leads them. In the US, the CyberSecurity office, now under the control of the Air Force, watches, plans, waits and secures. Activity is high, as attacks probe network Infrastructures across the country, which are vital to business, and government alike. Doug Tanner -- military level cyber soldier -- analyzes the activity, attempting to make sense of the scope and focus of the Russian assaults, but is becoming increasingly suspicious of both. And from all of this strife and challenge rises a new intelligence to bring change.