In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies, sixteen-year-old Alex, a lean and athletic boy with unruly dark hair and piercing blue eyes, emerges from a mysterious maze into an even more perilous landscape. After weeks of surviving alone, he stumbles upon the Alexandria Safe-Zone, where he meets Rick Grimes and his group of seasoned survivors. Initially met with skepticism, Alex earns the group's trust and begins to bond with them, especially Daryl. On a supply run, they encounter a crank - a fast, erratic infected human. Alex recognizes the crank as someone he once knew, triggering a desperate chase. With the group's help, Alex kills the crank, revealing a new and terrifying threat. As they process this encounter, the group realizes the extent of the dangers they face, including the sinister forces behind the maze and the apocalypse. Together, they must confront the walkers and the cranks, all while grappling with Alex's haunting past and their fight for survival. - story made by burrito