Story Description In a tale of love and sacrifice, Adhiraj appears as the enigmatic antagonist, rich and handsome yet with a rough exterior. His friends, including Ranvijay, Akriti, and Ashwariya, are a constant presence, though tensions often simmer between him and Ashwariya. Ranvijay, has overcome hardship to achieve wealth and success, and his love for Akriti is deep and unwavering. Akriti, caught between these two men, is like a rose with thorns, navigating her emotions amidst their intense affections. In a pivotal moment, Adhiraj takes a bullet intended for Akriti, sacrificing himself to protect the woman he loves. As he falls, Akriti rushes to his side, only to find herself drawn to Ranvijay's embrace. Adhiraj smiles faintly, whispering, "I would die for her every time... hoping one day this death will hug me in her embrace," before slipping into unconsciousness.