Once inseparable, the Uchiha, Uzumaki, and Haruno clans forged a powerful alliance. However, fate intervened when Sakura Haruno, the heir to both the Haruno and Senju clans, was betrothed to a member of the Uchiha clan. This arranged marriage led her to reside in Italy for two decades. Now, reunited with her ancestral clans, Sakura must navigate a complex web of loyalty, betrayal, and ambition to protect their shared legacies. As ancient rivalries resurface and new threats emerge, the bonds between these families will be tested to their limits. Sakura x Sasuke in a Modern World Warning: This is more graphic than my other novels by discussing violence, torture, and explicit scenes. For this story you do not need to know all of the Naruto characters or storyline since it is an non-canon alternative world, but it helps ❤️