In the near-future, Adrian Malik Ramirez, a seemingly ordinary college student, finds himself drawn into the supernatural realm. A chance encounter with Selene, a powerful vampire heiress, leaves him barely alive and marked for her claim. Somehow escaping, Adrian returns to his dorm only to collapse from blood loss. He later wakes to the ceiling of his dorm, shocked that he is still alive, he rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, noticing a few changes about himself. But as Adrian sees how different he has become in just a few hours, he is shocked when a pair of arms wrap around his waist, enter Isabella de la Reyes, the woman who saved his life. Adrian soon discovers a shocking truth: he is not entirely human. The bite of Selene has activated the dormant power within him, revealing he is a Dhampir - a half-human, half-vampire hybrid. This revelation sends his world into a chaotic spiral. Now, Adrian must grapple with his newfound identity and the weight of this revolution. As he navigates the underworld of Los Meteo, he questions his humanity and now seeks to understand his place in this world.