In a galaxy teetering on the brink of war, former Jedi Knight Silas Dorne seeks a truer path beyond the confines of the Jedi Order and the corruption-riddled Republic. Disillusioned by a Senate that serves only itself and a Jedi Council blinded by complacency, Silas leaves the Order in search of purpose, honor, and justice. Guided by his unbreakable ideals, he encounters powerful allies, including the brilliant Sev'rance Tann and the enigmatic Count Dooku, who share his vision of a galaxy free from oppression. Embracing the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Silas becomes a leading general, building an army grounded in discipline and strength. His forces, clad in armor reminiscent of the Old Republic, are a far cry from the faceless droids typically deployed by the Confederacy. Instead, Silas's soldiers are rigorously trained and equipped with powerful weaponry, a testament to his commitment to quality over quantity. With the loyalty of a formidable Gendai warrior and an elite fleet commanded from his flagship Valor's Edge, Silas brings an unparalleled blend of conviction and strategic genius to the Confederacy's cause. But as the Clone Wars loom, Silas's journey becomes a test of ideals and a struggle against the darkness within and around him. Torn between his beliefs and the brutal realities of war, he faces the ultimate question: can he remain a Jedi in spirit while leading a rebellion against the very institution that shaped him? Echoes of Light: The Confederate Crusade is a tale of loyalty, conviction, and the echoes of hope amidst the shadows of war, as one man fights to bring justice to a galaxy lost in darkness.
6 parts