Susan is not an ordinary girl...she has a dark secret...she isn't completely human...The story titled SECRETS is a about a young teenage girl in high school named Susan who has a crush on this boy named Edward who happened to be a childhood friend of hers. She wishes to tell him but she's scared. She's scared that he might find out what she truly is...she doesn't want to be feared anymore...all she wants is for someone to love her for who she is. As fate had it Edward caught a sight of her as her other self and as Susan feared he grew terrified of her and their friendship soon grew apart...but just as they were both walking away a creature came and was trying to kill the two of them. Susan manages to kill the creature but died protecting Edward. In her last final moments she manages to tell Edward how she truly felt and gave him a farewell kiss then died. The following days Edward is constantly thinking about Susan and how she died protecting him...then he notices some changes happening to him...he was developing these powers, powers that were transferred to him by Susan...the next thing he knows he's being caught up with life and death situations, involving himself with angels, devils, demons, creatures, different worlds...the next thing he knows he on a quest to save Susan lost soul...with all these stuff happening and with his new powers/ abilities what will become of our little hero?
5 parts