This piece about a depressed girl who is shunned by the world and finally finds her escape from it all. The poem doesn't go into detail about that,just her last moment. This girl was killed by sadness ,not suicide, she didn't want to die ,she just wanted to make the pain go away. Be careful what you say to people Or your name might be on their suicide letter It sounds stupid to kill yourself cause of what someone said about u or did to you but it makes a lot more sense when you're part of the equation either a the bully or the victim , some people it's the whole world against them Don't cause someone to be consumed by sadness, smile and greet someone and make their day If I didn't have people like that in my life ,who make me wanna wake up in the morning just for them to greet me then I probably wouldn't be writing this, I'd still be rewriting the same suicide note over and over again like I used to but now all of my suicide letters have changed into a story reconstructed into poems and I'm glad I'm still here cause if I had just dug the blade a little deeper.... SMILE TODAY AND SAVE A LIFE ,MAKE A SOUL REJOICE.
1 part