The third entry in the Penguins of Anarchy series begins three months after the events of its predecessor, Into the Fray. Task Force Anarchy and the Antarctican Army in general are in turmoil after the unexpected escape of Omniscion and capture of Drake and Felly. Fragnile works to keep Task Force Anarchy together while Dreemo struggles to cope with their losses. At the same time, Drake is acclimating to life in prison as he tries to work out and execute his plan. Meanwhile, Bledsoe Much is becoming increasingly discontented with his role as Omniscion's Executioner, and begins to dream of greater ambition. The choices that Dreemo, Drake, and Bledsoe Much make over the course of the novel have an immense impact on themselves and those they care about, and lead to a tragic conclusion that will leave you numbed, but also anxious to learn how it will affect the outcome of the entire war. [Rated Mature for Violence]