Somehow life knows when we begin to get comfortable. It's like when we are finally content and perfectly fine with where our life is heading, it throws us a huge curve ball. Whether it be something great or awful, or even both, it always happens right when we think we are settled. Life threw me that curve ball the Summer I returned home to Florida after not visiting in a little over 4 years. I thought I had absolutely everything figured out... until I seen a familiar face. That's when it all began to change. ----------------------------------------- Okay, so this story is based on a dream I had. It seemed so real that I woke up confused and I tried to go back to sleep so I could find out what happened in the end. I never got to see the end, so I HAD to make my own. (: I hope you guys enjoy this story. In my dream, the guy who is named Kyle in the story, looked a lot like Kian Lawley. If you don't know who he is, just look him up. lol. But that's who I sort of picture for the role. That's about the only character I really have pictured out completely in my head. So yeah! Anyways! Enjoy! :D