i miss you dude ☹️
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i miss you dude ☹️
Heyy, how are u? Are u still alive? ❤️
Persabeth and SwanQueen
helloww, hoe gaat ie? Nu heb je een dubbele melding :D
Happy New year!❤️
A big lockdown again... And yes, right before Christmas.. I'll probably have online lessons again after christmas holiday, even tho the dutch government promised they wouldn't close the schools anymore. Anyways, I have one week earlier holiday, so that's great, but literally everything is closed. I would've gone to IISPA (big gymnastics/freerunning gym) today, and I would've had freerunning training Tuesday and I promised my coach that I would land the scoot full... And my friends and I came up with this amazing idea a few months ago: a Christmas diner. But yeah, we're with more people than 4 so we'll do it after the lockdown. Anyways: let's try to be positive. I don't have a chemistry test Wednesday and I have one week earlier holiday :D. I have many plans for this week (including Christmas ofc). So yeah.. I still tried to scoot full to sand tho, and I almost landed it (it only counts if you land it without hands). https://photos.app.goo.gl/b9u6vQRkYTktWnkX8 Haaavvveeee a niiiiceeeeee dayyy and Christmas ❤️
@ -gldnsunfllower ja echt vervelend.. en dat ie zoooo kut, wel suc6 met je toetsen trouwens. Gelukkig heb je daarna lekker vakantie :D Zelf leuke dingen plannen helpt ook wel denk ik. Ben vandaag gaan skateboarden met een vriend, morgen ga ik freerunnen in Enschede en woensdag gaan we naar een kerstmarkt in Duitsland (geen lockdown daar hahahha). Zelf dingetjes verzinnen kan wel helpen tegen de verveling. Maargoed, eerst lekker kerst vieren! Da's altijd wel gezellig ❤️❤️
@ -hollyjolly yeahh they told us that as well. They promised us many things: the schools wouldn't be closed anymore, everyone who's vaccinated would get their freedom back... but yeah, they did not keep their promise. But I'll try to stay positive. I skateboarded to the supermarket with a friend of me today, and we ate a doughnut and yeah it was fun! :D I hope that you're not going in lockdown as well!❤️❤️
Sleep well! ♥️
Btw do you remember a year ago? I was doing the fliptober challenge xD. Then I just started freerunning/flipping and I just saw all the flips I posted a year ago. I've progressed a lot xD Anyways here's another video of me. I'm not doing the fliptober again btw xD https://photos.app.goo.gl/7Aus447MY2CEWv3v6
Hey peoples of the good life! Wie gehst? Ça va? Come stai? Hoe gaat het? How are you? Como estas? Jak se máš? Jak się masz? I hope you're okay! If you have time, tell me a fun adventure you've had this week :D I'm not online very often, I hope that's okay ❤️ Have a nice day :D
@ incredibleAna777 echt super leuk! Fijn dat je zo'n leuke dag had ❤️ Zulke dagen zijn altijd leuk om naar uit te kijken! :D Ennuhm ik heb nu dus toptijd en samen met een vriend leer ik dus Italiaans. En het was wel weer gezellig vandaag! :D
@ -Maresty ik ben gisteren naar Bobejaanland geweest en het was echt leuk, we waren met zen zessen(3 meisjes en 3 jongens) en in het begin had ik een beetje schrik omda ik alleen de meisjes kende maar de jongens waren ook echt chill en we hebben ons echt dood gelachen
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