
5SOS are literally everywhere I go... Whether its on TV, Radio, YouTube or even Primark... Getting kinda creepy... 


you know, that you've accomplished my dream. I'M SO BLOODY JEALOUS. Did you meet them, or talked to them for a few seconds?. Even if you have a signed paper of him would be the most amazing thing to me.


@-Midnight_Rose- I know I'm not going to be able to convince them. so I will eventually will go to a posh university to study law... but when i finish, I'm going to act. I will act for living. its my dream, and then I will have the age to decide. And next time when I see the imitation game I will think of you hahahha


@mary_g00 Ahaha thanks. I do drama as a hobby... Awwww that's a shame- if you want to act persuade your parents to pay for drama classes :)


@-Midnight_Rose- that is AMAIZING. Right now you are my god. how did you got the opportunity to be part of that amazing film? seriously, how? I want to be an actress when I grow up, but my parents are like "no, you need to study law in Oxford"


thanks for the follow. And I love the imitation game, I can't believe that I'm followed by someone who appears in it


@mary_g00 Yeahh and Keira :)


@-Midnight_Rose- you were part of film. I love every single thing, so that includes you. Did you see Benedict Cumberbatch?


@mary_g00 OMG thanks- you can't really see me though....