vi from arcane >>> 


kdyz jsem vyfotoshopovala a vytiskla novy vypis vysvedceni aby moji prarodice nedostali infarkt
          but iam just a teenage girl


@-lavenderdarkness ja se za to citim uplne quilty ale jako jim to udelalo uplnou radost <3 fr netusim co budu delat na konci roku bc se to tiskne na ty specialni papiry :O


you did that?? :DDDDDDD ale tbh taky me napadlo si vystrelit vzit to klasicky belitkem a prepsat


I'll look at the avatar 1 to know what it's about because my family is taking me to the cinema to avatar 2
          literally 10 minutes in : I WANT TO GO TO THERE 


@-lavenderdarkness to uznavam tu jsem koukala dva dny ale ta 2 ta je delsi ale v tom kine to bylo uplne tak akorat


strasne dlouha ta 1 


i could write a book about my group in school. i really like them, theyre so funny but in my heart i know they dont have it same. like they have other best friends and honestly im so happy for them and i little jealous bc i dont have that person in my life.
          i just wanna share my life with someone who understand me and just see me. :/


its just sad when the only people you really care about overlooks you. 
          this just corfims so many things i hate about myself and it make me miserable.
          but i have to live with it bc they are only people i have and im not in position to be alone like alone alone