
Hey everyone! I just posted a new chapter for Worlds Apart, so go check it out!!


Okay, I just saw FFH, and it was so good!!! I seriously loved it so much. I won't post any spoilers here because I know people haven't seen it yet, but I highly reccomend seeing it asap!


@Shiros_Sister Yeah, you're going to love it when you're able to see it!


I'm going to see Spider-Man: FFH tomorrow... I'M SO EXCITED AHHHHHHH! *ahem* sorry about that. Seriously though, I can't wait to see the movie!


@Shiros_Sister Yeah, the internet just has to be a minefield of Endgame spoilers right now. It probably didn't help that the directors officially lifted the spoiler ban though lol
            I hope you get to see it soon!


Thank you so much for reading my book and voting on it :)


@starksdottir Oh, and thank you for the follow, it means a lot to me!!


@starksdottir Yeah, no problem! I can't wait for the rest of the book to be released! :D


Many thanks WinterWolf for including I'm a Cyborg's Pet on to your wonderfully named reading list .OK that's a bit odd thanking you for that but it feels like a real vote of confidence and I can't tell you how good that feels. but for newbie authors like us still get a real boost every time someone comes across our work. Please enjoy the book. 
          hugs RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener Oh, thanks for thanking me! Your book is really good so far, your a really great writer and it shows! I should be the one thanking you for writing it! My reading list is only called random because I dont really have a category for everything I guess lol. I should rename it 'random, but wonderful' :)


Tysm for adding my story to your reading list!! I followed you in return ❤️


@Avengers_Parker Thanks, your story is really good!