The male frowned and he hugged the male, he buried his face into the male's chest. "You're mine nova!" He whimpered. "I wanna be your boyfriend"he said as he looked into the male's eyes.
@llAngelicDemonll Nova hummed slightly at the nuzzling and snorted a bit before kissing Charming's nose. "I love you too." He said softly and held jim close.
@llAngelicDemonll he giggled and smiled as he looked at the male. "I love you nova"he said as he leaned up and kissed his cheek softly. He then pulled back and he nuzzled to his face.
@MonStAr-- Nova rose an eyebrow before nodding his head slightly, finding Chanter's last statement to be strange. "Well I don't know why he thinks I'm fun. I haven't done anything special." He said softly and shrugged.