
lol I literally only have this still cuz of nostalgia at this point 


Uh yeah I'm prolly done with wattpad and I don't know if I'm comfortable writing fanfics with real people in them anymore. I'm sorry yall but my stuff that's completed will stay up. I'll update if I decide to get back I to writing on a different platform 


I would like to know what You all would like me to write! I can post some one-shots based off of it because I desperately need writing practice!


@-jeonkookie_love An epic showdown with two pokemon trainers costantly dabbing midbattle


Its been awhile, I was rereading my old fanfics that were in drafts and thinking they'd be good to continue. I'm wondering if I should...


@shiduasdwia thank you!! I will, I keep looking over them and some of them are Really Good! I'm looking forward to publishing then!


@-jeonkookie_love you should, you're an amazing author :)!


I keep saying I'll write and stuff, which I am, but I'm just not proud enough to publish it or end up unmotivated, but like..! I just got a really good idea! UGH!


@-jeonkookie_love it's just the truth(^ω^)


@Minji_13_  You're way too sweet! 


Would it be cool if I made an interactive story? The readers vote who does what in a horror style story, with a bunch of idols who have to play this game to live. 
          Would it be cool?


@sanchai95 that does make sense. It would suck to fall behind the voting stanzas. 
            For this, I was thinking of a date the voting ends, so any votes after the due date would be disqualified. 


@-jeonkookie_love Id like it but I feel like if I was behind I cant partake in it anymore'? So maybe if you spaced out like the chapters to give readers time to vote?