So I'm reading the bridgeton books, and let me start this by saying I am in no way a proper author, and I am only on the fourth book, but I've noticed a common them when the respected couples get into an argument - they always resolve it with either, kissing or sex.
And it's irking me because that isn't healthy fictional or not. They never fully make up. It's always something sad like 'She felt her body give into him' because instead of solving the problem they just push it away!?!??!
Another thing is - so far the girls are all the same.
And don't get me wrong, most girls are, but islts starting to feel like the only reason to the books.
A respected, strong handsome man falling in love with a insecure, not the typical looking woman.
And they always make the pre-kiss or pre-sex scene weird. How the female gives into the male, feels like she can't say no.
I don't know if its just me who thinks this, but apart from that there great.