
new theme, and a new book!
          	Currently in the drafts with this one, but I have a new book coming out on December 24th! I think you’ll like this one, or I hope you do at least <3


Hi loves!! 
          Guess who just returned from a long ass break…yes, me. BUT! We are working on getting back into full circle!! 
          I’ll have a schedule posted for writing and what not, so please bare with me but here’s what to come!!
          - Sweet Creature (revising it right now!) 
          - Oneshots book (no smut <3 bc I can’t get into the fix of writing it)
          - Tumblr info (follow for updates on books, sneak peaks, and extra writing!!)
          There’s more to come, but that is the exciting bits for me!! 
          I’m also trying to get myself back up and into a good mental space and writing is what usually helps me escape half of the time, so as I do this I’m not only supplying you guys in supplying myself as well <3
          Anyways! I love you guys, and I’m glad to be back :) 


Hi! I’ve been heavy with school, so I’m going to be moving my updating days to the weekend, but since I don’t have a teacher for my 4th period class, imma try and write some during that time, but I promise the prologue and the first chapter will be out by this weekend, especially since I’m gonna be with my grandparents <3 I love you 


this message may be offensive
Sooo shit hit the fan tonight, and I got home really late, so the book should be out by tomorrow and the official chapter should be out around midnight, or 2 in the morning at least. I really wanna get this out there and it’s just making me feel bad for not putting it out there sooner, but mark my words it’s gonna be out tomorrow 


I just dropped the important stuff for the book, imma do the rest tomorrow…who knew regaining your muse to write books again would be such work lol 


don't feel bad hun!! it's taking a bit of time for me to get a chapter out for save your tears bc i keep getting distracted and writers block lmaooo


Okay so, just a few things I can tell you about the book so far!
          - it’s called “Sweet Creature” in which it’s kinda based from that song by Harry Styles. 
          - There’s no official chapter yet, but what’s gonna be posted is the background, the table of contents, the warnings/face claims of the class, along with the prologue and the years used in the story <3 
          I just hope this doesn’t flop since last time I wrote I got at least 600+ views, I just have a passion for what I’m writing and I’ve been wanting to do this my whole 6+ years on Wattpad I just never had the guts to actually do it, but it will be out soon! I hope you guys really like it, I love you - Sookie <3