
@KatherineArlene As always your work is amazing, unique, and such a joy to read :)


Awww!  Thank you so much for your very kind words!  And I really do appreciate your support!  :)


@KatherineArlene hi! Stolen Hearts was finished within two days I couldn't stop reading! This was such an amazing concept and very well thought out and written. I'm absolutely loving what I'm reading of the sequel too! Thank you for posting such amazing books!


Awww!  Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me!  I'm so glad you enjoyed Stolen Hearts and that you're enjoying Love You Forever just as much!  :)


@Cfunk3 I finished The Return within the week, it was by far one of the best books I've read! I loved the way you switched the time periods every chapter(I'm a big fan of historical fiction) I'm just about to start The Resurrection, so pumped!


That's awesome to hear! The Resurrection is my favorite in the series so I'm eager to hear your thoughts on it!


That's so much for the follow. I hope you get a chance to read my completed book, 'The Return'. I can promise that plenty of drama, heaps of romance, and even a murder await you. I might also even have a few twists and turns up my sleeves- so read carefully ;)


Hello, sorry if these messages annoy you but could you please read my story ‘’heart shaped scratch’’
          Comment? /?
          Vote or even fan?!!!!
          The grammar kinda sucks tho.... just to warn you lol
          In return I will read any of your work you ask me to =)
          Thanks nicolle1496 xx