@Kakarot89 Prince of Darkness is great. It's very slow and methodically paced, but it's very atmospheric and creepy, plus it's combination of scientific horror and religious horror makes the plot very compelling. It was made in 1987 (Carpenter's "good" period) so you know it's awesome. Plus, one of the hobos is played by Alice Cooper.
Prince of Darkness combines a lot of what I love about Carpenter's films, like reliance on atmosphere and tension rather than overt gore, really good performances, strong western motifs (the siege in this case, you'll see it in the end), and a feeling of constant, lingering dread (also present in Halloween and The Thing). It doesn't pull off these elements quite as well as his better known films, and their is certainly a lot of things that don't work in Prince of Darkness, but for my money it's an underrated and well-directed horror flick from the guy who specializes in such films.
So yeah, I like it. Also, Hobo Apocalypse is the best alternate title I've ever heard for a film, almost as good as Army of Darkness' Japanese title: CAPTAIN SUPERMARKET!!