
as the time goes by, i miss you everyday 


          Nyari cerita dewasa yg vibes-nya kek drakor? Nyari cerita romance yg nggak ngebosenin?
          Nyari cerita yang konfliknya nggak terlalu berat tapi feelnya dapet?
          Nih, baca nih! Tiap chapter nya nagih bgt (itung² ngobatin rasa kangen kalian ke doi yg lagi wamil) ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
          Anw, kalo ada yg mau saling voteback duluan aja^^


Halo kakak! Maaf mengotori wall nya, disini izinkan aku untuk promosi cerita pertamaku yang diperani sama beberapa anggota skzone!
          Disini tulisanku memang belum rapih dan belum mempunyai kesan yang bagus, tapi aku bakalan beneran seneng kalau kakak mampir untuk membaca juga memberikan dukungan lewat tombol bintangnya. Terimakasih banyak sebelumnya (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)


my story not even started but it has come to the ending. letting go was my choice to get rid of anything that strolling around in my mind for past few years.
          its hard when i know i have to do it before i can say that one meaningful word. 
          you gave no choice. the silence, the ignorance you gave makes me so hurt that i feel i must forget you by the anger
          i was asking my self, how can i feel so deeply in love with this kind of human who dont thinks about the others but himself. no caring no emphaty are things i know if i continue this story to an endless catasthropic love story.
          i decided to choose myself. whatever make me happy. i know its hard, struggling with the unspoken feeling. pretending to be okay but not
          its better than i reach you who only give me sadness. always me who make the relation stand, keeping communication among us going well. 
          if you wonder why i have this kind of feeling. i dont know either. i cant choose and i cant easily forget too. this of course, not my willing to have some awkward undesirable feeling with my bestfriend.


we're good enough as a friend. but its always me who reach you out and never vice versa. at this point, its clear. i must not have this kind of feeling but i dont know. i have been in denial for years and now comes to an acceptance. 
          in this stage, i was hoping you will understand, and listen to me well 'as your friend' but its always my mistake to have so high expectation towards you. 
          when the time comes, you, that i hope will listen my story, how its come, how can it happens, give me the worst rejection. ignorance
          i was asking my self again, was he really the man who you give all of your sincerity. for seconds i was back in denial again. 
          people say that falling in love must not make you regret. but i was not one of those people. i was regretting for asking you those kind of question. i should keep it just for my self. but.. i was think about it again. is that really my fault? then i realised that since the beginning i always blame myself for everything.
          after hours keep blaming, regretting, and overthinking then i know. its not my fault. god gave me this feeling, god also makes me to do it, because he knows what i was facing and god also give the the strenght after i received that worst rejection.
          now, no need to wait. im in the phase of healing. by the time, im sure i can forget everything and become the strongest girl alive. 
          thanks to you, your rejection, and the guilt you gave. we dont need to meet again because i lost my respect for you after the childish response  you show me. 
          altough i know loving you was not worth it, but keeping the gloom for someone like you also useless.



Permisi, semuanya. Saya izin promosi dan mau nawarin buat saling beri feedback, nih. Jika berminat, dm aja ke akun utama @gamaeri yaa.
          Ini adalah kisah tentang seorang Raden yang tanpa sengaja melakukan 'time travel' ke masa depan. Raden Bagus ing Keraton Ngayogyakarta, bisa bisanya kembali bangkit dari alam baka ke buana. Apakah engkau percaya, jika dirinya kembali di tanah yang sama, namun dengan perbedaan waktu yang sangat jauh?