
Hello, how are you guys?  I know I haven't been on for so long and I seem to be remiss but believe me I have my reasons. I didn't answer alot of your messages for a reason, it's not because I don't care... It's not that at all. It's just that life has been hard, I'm growing up everyday, facing people I never knew would do such a thing and knowing things I wish I didn't. It turned out that life isn't like I imagined it to be or what I thought it was. I used to escape form my real world and come here to run away from how awful reality was. Maybe that's why my depression is taking a new place. Running away isn't something I learned, it's something that I created and chose to be friend. I'll be deleting all my stories in here and I would love for people that translated my stories to delete them too. I have been working on a new story that will include all the stories that I wrote before (Anger Issues - Fixing Issues - Dark Demom - yAt Dusk) I realized that in my old stories that I kept writing a character that made me feel weak and fragile. I just couldn't keep writing while I'm not even fixed yet. I need to write something that will mean something to me and to the people who read it. I will be turning 16 soon and I may be still young but I'm not young in my mind nor in my soul. My mind is kinda damaged and my soul isn't okay either. there is something that I wrote in my stories that I'm not proud of but for some reason I'm happy that I wrote them because here I found people that supported me and defended me without knowing or even seeing me. Here I found what I didn't find in my real world. I'm grateful for everyone of you, thank you for standing by my side and reading and commenting and voting and taking the time to make me smile. I will try to come back here again for you, please don't give up on me. Without you guys, I wouldn't have make it. Sorry, if I took a minute or hours from your time. Thank you, 
          	All the love, xx


@Dark_Souls6789 look at how far you've came. I love you and I'm proud to call you my friend.


You're amazing person I'll waiting for you don't worry the support from me wouldn't gone...everyone has the difficult in life..don't give up love youuuuu xxx.  


@Dark_Souls6789 this sucks You don’t walk this path alone. I’m here if you need me . we all are here for you if you ever need anything. I know it’s hard to see this right now, but it’s only temporary… Things will change. You won’t feel this way forever. Look to that day. life isn't easy and simple .. It is very difficult and nobody has the perfect life..No matter who they are .. but you know that life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning how to dance in the rain ... all of us had our bad days . But it is all about how to deal with it .  A3taked momken akamel 3araby .. bosy enty msh lazem teb2y el bent el perfect ely mafehash 8alta we amoura zakya ely mabta3mlsh 7aga 8alat enty bny 2dma bet8lat we zy ay 7d bs fe a7yanan el nas betb2a motwak3a menek ely enty mate3rafe4 aw mate2daresh te3meliha we fe el a5er mahma 7awalty fe el a5eer betkarny ma3a ay 7d a7san menek fe 7aga mo3ayana da l2en 3andena fe masr ban7taremsh sh3or el a2areen mn na7et enena netkalem 3leh we ne7eb nekasar ma2adef b3d a3taked eny 5aragt 3n el moudou3 aslan bs ana asfa we matz3alesh 3lshan 7a aw 7aga we ana mawgouda momken tekalemnii fe ay wa2t we I wouldn't ever  judge you in any way we ana asfa kaman eny bakteb 3arby bs a3taked keda ba3abar aktar mn el english we you're a lovely writer
          	  we all are here for you xx.
          	  p.s I love you sis ♡♡


Halo kak
          Izin promosi ya kak
          Sebelumnya ini crita aku yang pertama kak,maaf kalo banyak typo yang bertebaran, dukungan dari kakak pasti akan sangat membantuku menyelesaikan karya ku ini.
          Trimakasih banyak kak


Hey!! I read both anger issues n fixing issues and they are marvelous!!❤❤ But will you please re upload both the books and also finish fixing issues?? 


@diana_ruiz can you please tell me what is the end of Fixing Issues? I have been dying to know it... both books were so amazing!!


Anger Issues and Fixing Issues. Two stories that I love the most sigh. I'm really sad that you deleted it and that I can't read it again but thank you for writing those two stories. Those stories are stuck forever in my heart. :) I love the concept and all that. Goodluck with your future stories! I'll be reading them. Please continue writing good stories!! I'll keep on supporting you till the end.