Hola ;P I noticed you were going through my Peter Parker fics lol. Just thought I'd say that 'Hidden' is the best one I've written if you're up for it. Anyway, thanks for the spam on my books. I really appreciate it. <3

@spaceshatters_ I'm sure the older ones are great too lmao but I'll keep that series in mind ;) and of course! I love reading your books

@AMG4God Oh, thank you! Sorry the old ones are all really cringy and cliche lmao so maybe avoid those. Keep your eyes peeled for my upcoming Marvel series! Thanks for taking the time to read my books <3

@spaceshatters_ Hola lol I saw that book and it looks really good! Slowly I've been going through all your marvel books since they're so good so I will definitely read that, thanks for the recommendation!! And no problem haha, thanks for the awesome books <3