
So I ended up writing a too long heartfelt comment explaining everything that has been happening. I guess I've forgotten that there is a word limit in posting messages.
          	To summarize the whole comment, this is what I wrote.
          	I apologize for being gone so long. I did not mean for this to happen.
          	During a family visit concerning drama, I fell into depression. Being an optimistic and happy person, it terrified me, and I ended up cutting myself off from life. Meaning family, friends, writing, etc.
          	I am getting better, though. I truly am.
          	Due to this, I'm completely lost in where I was going in 'Shine Bright' and 'Tagged'. Even all my notes and plans aren't helping. I need to take a break from both books to get my mind back on track and used to writing again.
          	Thank you all for being patient with me. I truly appreciate it. Y'alls support means... I don't even have words. But thank you so much!
          	As always, have a lovely day and an even more beautiful night! x


@APleasedSmile That's good, just keep pushing and you'll be okay


@ELMckenzie Thank you. I am definitely getting better. I'm not 100% there yet, but I'm hoping that I'll continue being okay.


So I ended up writing a too long heartfelt comment explaining everything that has been happening. I guess I've forgotten that there is a word limit in posting messages.
          To summarize the whole comment, this is what I wrote.
          I apologize for being gone so long. I did not mean for this to happen.
          During a family visit concerning drama, I fell into depression. Being an optimistic and happy person, it terrified me, and I ended up cutting myself off from life. Meaning family, friends, writing, etc.
          I am getting better, though. I truly am.
          Due to this, I'm completely lost in where I was going in 'Shine Bright' and 'Tagged'. Even all my notes and plans aren't helping. I need to take a break from both books to get my mind back on track and used to writing again.
          Thank you all for being patient with me. I truly appreciate it. Y'alls support means... I don't even have words. But thank you so much!
          As always, have a lovely day and an even more beautiful night! x


@APleasedSmile That's good, just keep pushing and you'll be okay


@ELMckenzie Thank you. I am definitely getting better. I'm not 100% there yet, but I'm hoping that I'll continue being okay.


Hey y'all!
          Just wanted to inform everyone that I've been incredibly busy these past few weeks. I currently have visiting family over (again), so I really want to focus on them. Family is and will always be important to me, so they're my number one priority over writing.
          I should get back to writing and updating in a few days, though. 
          As always, I hope y'all have a lovely day and an even more beautiful night! x


Chapter seven of 'Shine Bright' has been posted! It's a bit jumbled, since I wrote it while sleep deprived, but since I cannot bring back the new version I wrote, I will have to deal with it until I can come back and rewrite it.
          I  really hope y'all enjoy reading! I know it's not the best chapter, but I am hoping to come back to it. 
          As always, have a lovely day and an even more beautiful night! x


Okay, I've finally figured out what to do with chapter five of 'Shine Bright'.
          I finished writing the chapter many days ago, but when I went through to edit (when I found the time), something about it made me incredibly unhappy. It just didn't sit right to me.
          In order to give my all - and give y'all the best writing that I can - I decided to take some time to figure out what was wrong. I ended up rewriting the chapter many times before I took a breath, stepped back, and opened my mind.
          I should have told y'all earlier, but I honestly forgot. And I feel bad about that. But now I've figured it out, so chapter five should be a breeze to work through! At least I can look forward to not breaking down in tears of frustration because of it, lol.
          Also, I'm focusing on contests and prompts to ready myself for the Wattys. So if y'all notice random posts, please know that they are for contests/prompts.  
          As always, have a lovely day and an even more beautiful night! Happy Father's Day! x


I want to apologize for being even more late with the next update of 'Shine Bright' than I said I would. As I said, I was with family, but...
          Let's just say that some stuff went down. It's still going on, but a bit more calmer than it was. 
          Saying that, I hope to get back on schedule in the next day or two. I'm hoping I can update tomorrow, but with my brother borrowing my laptop for summer work, it may be the next day. Fingers crossed! 
          As always, I hope y'all have a lovely day and an even more beautiful night! x


Hey y'all!
          Just wanted to mention that the update for 'Shine Bright' will be a day late because I'll be visiting family. I would update it early because of this, but I really want to go through and edit the next chapter. There are a few parts that I'm unhappy with, so I hope to clean them up.
          So, yeah. Just a quick update. I didn't want y'all to think that I abandoned it, lol.
          Have a lovely day and an even more beautiful night! x