
Dude if you make a never have I ever chapter I could actually see there being one where Bubble says never have I ever tried to have sex with Abbie.
          Basically bubble Lana every single female except Alice Claire and pretty much everyone else who was not in a relationship includes the three cycle teachers well besides the other female teachers.
          Obviously they were all shot especially the teachers who saw their colleagues walking up who seem to be blushing a little bit while I just wanted to tear everyone a part in here as she was the one who want to be the only wanna move up.
          So She said OK I can’t understand petunia and Lizzie but a sister to me why are you do this to me I mean you wouldn’t sleep with that she looks at Abbie I was just confused at the entire situation and she says OK I guess you’re right.
          After that tell me a says yeah besides he looks so innocent adorable then her voice started to get deeper a little bit and then she said so breakable then she quickly stopped her self with a hit from Lizzy on the head.


Ask for the psycho teachers they started to say one word all together and then they said heat session basically we get a flashback of they were in heat and they were in no control of their body and then they said They were saying a lot of weird stuff and was starting to strip that was until Lana came in and hit them over the head with a sledgehammer or a crowbar she saved the day that day.
            That’s whenever Miss Grace who is drinking her coffee had a lick of still angry.
            That’s until Demi said A minute but isn’t a heat session based on who you’re attracted to that’s whenever Miss circle said anyways how about we continue she yelled by the staring daggers into the music teacher‘s eyes telling him to shut up.


Dude I don’t know why by just there’s something odd about this being Abbie’s truForm because I can’t remember but I’m pretty sure someone did something where Alice was beaten to a pulp and she lost like her power and then the apple comforted her healing her small depression and all that which something that This creature can do actually it’s canon can cure depression juice by hugging you.

          I mean to make this interesting perhaps well not interesting but longer of a chapter movie you can have Miss circle chasing Abbie down and then he turns into this creature whenever she tries to stab him she did manage to stab him but the floor as well but her compass went right through him.
          After that he looked up at her and then he started to go towards her holding onto her leg but that’s not what else he did he went up to her shirt and started it tickle her and for some reason she felt happy.


And what would make this funnier in my opinion is if Oliver is possibly the very few people who let’s just say can handle it better to kick the creature without any regret does do it in the lunch room sugar container.
            And then it was all hell a loose as he was now faster than the speed of sound but pretty much he’s already made of sugar I would say he’s probably actually made out of applesauce just to make it more interesting even though he would be looking better like Jell-O but still pretend it’s applesauce applesauce.
            Also Abbie or the tickle monster has a habit of swallowing chip and running away with him which it’s all fine for Chip this is more fun than anything zippers also after hand 90% of the time because of it and it only got worse whenever Oliver gave him sugar is the only time the school has ever had more destruction than whenever Alice is released from her room which is why you don’t give him more sugar than he needs he’s already made of it.
            And yes people do try and pull chip out of the tickle monster’s body but whenever they tried to have zip Miss Sasha and Mr. Demi pull him out it was very difficult as it felt like the more he was pulling him out the harder it was getting as he is also strong either way it would be adorable if this is his real final evil form even though he’s not evil.
            And let’s just say this could be why he’s actually horrible at math because he doesn’t have a brain he’s legit made of applesauce.
            And maybe he steals everyone’s sweets every now and then well all the time like at some point he did steal Miss circles oriole whenever she was going to put it in her mouth until she was asked a question by maybe one of the teachers and whenever she look back over a scone did she looked on the ground and saw the little creature munching on it normally she would feel a lot of hatred and probably try and kill but it was more adorable than anything.


Hey dude this is something interesting and I’m curious on your thoughts possibly if you send a message although this could be canon to the actual story because I just think it would be a little bit adorable and showing that Alice actually does have an interesting relationship with Abbie.
          Let’s just say Alice is Abbie step brother or adopted brother.
          And well it’s unknown on what the characters canon age is Alice is three years older possibly and Abbie dad found Alice on the street or some thing for some odd reason and brought her home and she loves Abbie beginning obviously didn’t trust the father But anyways Alice who is three years old Who was hugging her brother this would be part of the reaction she also has a Binky in her mouth like her brother.
          So Abbie’s dad decided to pretty much have his son come to him by saying come to Daddy.


OK so if you want to somewhat understand this video There is a certain part I couldn’t find on YouTube so basically go check out the part of the video where the art looks the same and that’s basically started what happens with Alice and Abbie.
            So pretty much whenever Abbie started to crawl to his father his sister used her tentacle powers grabbing her brother bringing him back into her arms while the both of them had their pinkies in their mouth sucking on them and the father was just mildly annoyed and he thought maybe she thought she was included and basically different things actually happen then in the actual video.
            And at the end whenever Annie’s dad said not to use your powers at all she just fell asleep on top of her brother and he later on just fell asleep and he would’ve been able to escape if he wanted to but he felt comfortable specifically because she was using her powers once again wrapping her self around her little brother.