
Just wanted to say a thanks for getting Captured By Squids up to almost 65K reads!!!!


I have some ideas for Captured by squids to help you get over your fighters block
          -Mitch agrees to squidllims (I'm to lazy to find out how to spell it so its this for now) deal and tells them a weakness or something but when seto does the magic thing something goes wrong and Jerome can't remember, can't see,or can't hear or something like that and then the others get mad at Mitch.
          -squidloxs potion starts to grow stronger yet weaker, so like he can't control himself killing innocent people/squids but he starts to remember sky and his army but is afraid that he will want to kill them if he try's to get to close to them but he doesn't want squidllim to find out 
          -half the people get out and go back to the base to tell the recruits but the squids know where the weak points are thanks to Mitch and fights and more generals get killed then seto brakes the contract using his last peace of magic to bring them back but suddenly fate or unicorns or friendship or something gives him more power because of his friendship and stuff happens
          Hope that gave you inspiration lovin' the book by the way


I mean writer block 


Umm, I feel like I've seen your name before. Like, it was on an different website. Wait, have you've ever been on Because, like, your name is very similar to another person on there. This is probably very creepy but just asking. Like, I think the person on there, she made ClubPenguin fanfictions I think. It's so weird. Sorry to bother with this creepy question. Your name just jogged my memory for an second there. Again, deeply sorry 


Hm, no I haven't ever been on perhaps it's just a coincidence! 