
Taking a short break from writing Death’s Hand In Mine - sorry! I’ve been super busy recently and my laptop has broken! Until I get it fixed I can’t release anymore chapters :(


Hello! Feel free to not respond to this, I’m just bursting to say that Beyond All Expectations went beyond all my expectations! I loved every minute of it, as well as your other PJO fanfic, The Hate Between Us! So heart wrenching, I actually think it changed something in me! You’re a wonderful writer; glad to see you’re still going! Excited to read the Golden Wand next!


@Lyndaxa thank you!! This means everything to me, really! I thought I had left writing behind but it’s just too fun :) unfortunately my laptop is still broken and I don’t feel like writing on my phone so I’m having a longer break than planned… but one day I’ll be back! I hope you like the Golden Wand :)


Hey guys, been super busy recently so wasn’t able to post a new chapter of “Death’s Hand in Mine” today. I’ll try my best to get some new chapters out after the weekend, I’m aiming to make it 30 (ish) chapters long


"Hello Reader, whoever you are... not that I care...
          So I've been killed, and you've found my notes, huh? Well, if you're Billy or Jen I (un)kindly ask you to STOP READING! I'll haunt you forever if you continue... but if you're someone else, someone new, someone who hasn't annoyed me yet... read on. I have a story to tell. 
          I've been killed by my Love - why did I always know this was going to happen? I wasn't sure of when or how, but I just knew that some day she'd get me, and I won't let the secrets of my life go down with me! Not today! 
          I'm not as evil as they say (or maybe I am, the verdict's still out on this one)... but let it be known that I didn't kill my Son. Let it be known that I wasn't always a Witch Killer. Let it be known that I have loved. For all the good it did to me, I have loved. And our love was beautiful. Oh, we have a wonderful story, and I can't have the world believe that just because she was my murderer, Death was not also the thing that gave me life! 
          So sit down and read up, my story isn't done until I say it is. I, Agatha Harkness, did what not even Thanos could achieve - I fell in love with Rio Vidal, and she in love with me. I think you'll probably be wondering how, although it's not that unbelievable, is it? Have you seen how magnificent I am?
          Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself, it's time I start my love story... from the very beginning..."
          Coming Sunday 10th November, 2024 ;)