I am OFFICIALLY making another new story on Wattpad and yes I am aware that I never end up finishing them, it's mainly because most of the stories I have been posting on here are mainly about certain people in my life that I would talk to and since I haven't talked to most of those people it made me have a really bad case of writer 's block, which I really hate having because I am really good at writing stories it's just I end up running out of ideas and when I ask people to comment so that they can give suggestions or something NO ONE EVER DOES! AND I'M SORRY BUT THAT GETS REALLY FRUSTRATING FOR ME BECAUSE THEN I CAN'T THINK OF A DAMN THING! Anyway, that's not the point. Well it kinda is, part of it but what I really mean though is that I am going to try and stay on this story but I can't make Andy promises though, but as for the lengths of the chapters I know I've had a really bad habit of making them super short and I'm sorry for that but like I said writer's block, need people to comment on the story so that I can keep having different and unique ideas for the story, motivations would and could make me a better writing so I could and would really appreciate the input from you guys! :)
But, as for the lengthy chapters I can't promise they will be extremely long but I will at least try to make it to either 3 or 4 pages long if I am lucky, maybe even 5 but I wouldn't count on it though..
Anyway, thank you everyone for reading this little information/rant that I just made and I really hope you guys actually do what I just said. It's not asking a lot, just a little motivation is all I need. :)
Anyway, I'm a get off now so see you guys! Love you all!
Xoxo, Allie ❤️