
Updating schedule:
          	Mondays: My Other Half
          	Wednesdays: The Risen
          	Fridays: Any story!


          I only just saw the horrible things that people were saying to you on the Multimedia Design Thread. I just wanted to say that if i were there earlier i would have stuck up for you, no one deserved that. 
          You continue posting in the MDC thread. Dont let those people stop you from using it. A lot of us will help you out. :) 
          Im sorry for only just noticing what was happening. I hope you are ok now? If you want someone to talk, just Private Message me. :)


Its okay, thank you :)


Hey, are you still doing Inferno? Several people haven't shown, you being one, and it may be because the tags don't always work.
          Here's the link and try to get it in as soon as possible. 
          #Comment_16543883" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #Comment_16543883</a>
          Thanks. Kayla