Going to the Harry Potter trivia event Tuesday night actually became quite useful in the aftermath, after all. Two weeks ago when I was told I was going to a trivia event at a small popular bar; I was so excited about it that I immediately started watching the movies, reading the books, and used the cards from my old Harry Potter board games as study cards to refreshen my Potter-head intelligence. And it was totally worth it, I was the best player on my team; not first place but we were so close with 13.5 compared to the team who won at 25 points. But afterwards, besides my little hibernation from all that excitement; the aftermath of reading and organizing my writing skills has become refreshen. It actually helped with my memory skills at the event because I was truly surprised at myself of how much I was able to remember; with books when I started reading large chapter books I couldn't remember a single thing but during trivia I was like a zooming. You would probably believe me if you were there lol.