I could hear 500 negative things about you and still be your friend, the only person who can change my mind is you! <33 Send this message to 10 people you love and hold dear to your heart! Started by: @/cherrysterry

@Alphonse030Elric "Awh, don't worry, Al! I'm not going to do that. I couldn't face Winry's wrath... Her wrench would find me no matter what (~‾▿‾)~"

@ThatTurtleAlchemist "Aw. Big brother! You don't have to say that. Even if you did one negative thing that wouldn't change my mind." Alphonse Recalls all the complaints he had to deal with because of his brother's recklessness. "But I'll never forgive you if you decide to go and throw your life away. What would Winry think?"