hellooooooo how are you guys?
Corona is still going on and its sad how my graduation from primary to secondary was online and I moved to a new school. Its started a few weeks ago but online. I also decided to put lie on hold because I couldn't get anymore ideas, but if I do I'll make sure to write. Have y'all started school yet? I'm getting fat and fatter because of social distancing lol. I'll tell you a bit. In my country, people gets tested with swab and rapid tests. Swab is where a long cotton bud will be put in your nose till your throat and rapid test is where you get tested by blood, but if you do rapid test you may not know if the virus is corona or other viruses. And in my country, I'm sure its not that the corona is still spreading big but its that the amount of people getting tested every day. Hopefully this ends sooner, stay strong everyone! hwaiting!