
~Maximus lays on the table he has set up and slides one needle into his left arm, infusing some of his own blood, then the right with Test subject A3's blood. He then laid back with a single needle in his hand.~


@GarwenTheBlueWolf (Aye I didn't pop on long enough to do anything nor have I used alucards kingdom or this account for anything major for some time , I am no longer RPing for the time being so I will not be around Andy right havent. Hope that settles this so take the fight to another page, preferably active ones .)


@Deaths-Advocate ((is anyone in your kingdome active??))


Lag in the text so a grammar issue above


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
@imtheomega  ((lets not clog the other thread for people will want to read it.
          Anyway in response to and I qout "shut the fuck up and speak normal" if you want me ti shut up then don't ask me to speak that just contradicts itself.
          And I am speaking normally I'm simply using a form of speaking called being polite and am starting to question wether you know what it is for you have done nothing but be quite rude and I can't think of any reason for it.
          Sure I tagged you wrongly thinking you were part of this kingdome, but simply asking me nicely to stop would have sufficed.
          And you could also have explaind that you no longer rp let alone hold affiliation with this account))


@imtheomega I'm still questioning what I ever did to you in the first place.


this message may be offensive
@GarwenTheBlueWolf Fuck you


a rift in space 2'8 meters high and 756 cm wide opened up, in the middle of the throne room, out of the rift swirled dark purple energy that was so different in makeup from any form of energy not from the void that the chances of anyone knowing about it much less know how to manipulate it were next to none. 
          Out of this rift stepped a 2.5 meters tall void knight called 01. 
          01 wore a full suit of black plate mail armour made from void metal; a natural substance of the void as strong as titanium while also splitting in half all magical energy it comes in contact with until contact is lost. The metal could withstand heats that of the sun and colds reaching absolute zero. Electricity it did not conduct and neither was it magnetic. 
          The armour was held together by black chain-mail of the same kind though much weaker only being as strong as tempered steel. Strangely The armour had small golden embroidery on its edges. 
          Despite being simple in design and having a very classic full plate mail knight look  it was masterly made, its shape was perfectly crafted to bounce blows away from its joints while at the same time allowing maximum manoeuvrability which came in handy quite often. 
          On his left hung a long-sword, 210 cm in length excluding the hilt. It weighed nearly half a ton. 
          Without his sword he estimated he weighed about 10 tonnes. 
          Its hilt was about 40 cm in length allowing room for both his hands which together covered about 30 cm of the hilt. The extra 10cm were for manoeuvrability. The guard comes out about 20 cm from the blade and slightly bent downwards to where the hand would be. The blade itself was 20 cm wide and slowly got smaller as it reached the tip. At about 200 cm down its length it would go from 15 cm to a thinness of The molecular level the wary tip only being the size of a single combination of the molecules that made up void metal. the blade was incredibly sharp slashing through flesh like a hot knife through soft butter.


@x_ryan_x ((I never and I repeat NEVER tagged him befor this. I never even spoke to him befor this.
            I simply saw his activity here and thought he was one of you so I though it only fair to notify him.
            Any further tagging have been me responding to him and I already said I would stop tagging him here.
            So now we are speaking in the chain abow and if he doesn't want to talk anymore then he simply has to let me know that he is not interested in speaking any further.
            Honestly this would have been over with one reply had he simply told me not to tag him nicely.))


this message may be offensive
@GarwenTheBlueWolf ( i am going to kill you if you dont stop taging my friend in shit)


this message may be offensive
@GarwenTheBlueWolf shut the fuck up and speak normal 


"Alexander come into the main hall his armor ready his sword to his side the aura surrounding him would put out emotions of pure hate and anger" 
          It's time to slaughter the sheep.


            Stands next to alexander in the main hall "finally the killing begins" he shoots out a chain from his hand and grabs it and starts to swing it around


*As I would awake from a nap and adjust my tie and vest then I would walk into the main hall and look for @the-hound @Deaths-Advocate @-Carnage266* 


@ImTheOmega  @The-Hound @Deaths-Advocate @X__ryan__X
            William puts on his vest the holds 20 mags . He then throws his Red trench coat on over his vest, concealing his mags. "Let's go decorate our enemy's territory with their blood" He crack an evil grin


@ImTheOmega @The-Hound @Deaths-Advocate 
            Walks down the hall next to alexander and looks at the armor he has on "its good to be back" takes a minute to look around "im ready when you are"


"Alexander walks up to Alucard his armor wearing his armor he'd place his helm on making him look like and armored dog(my background) 
            shall we be off? 


Walks in to the Mansion looking for bael. As he closes the doors behind him he yells "is anyone home"


@X__ryan__X @The-Hound
            William pulls out his weapons as a wide grin spreads across his face "And who shall we be killing today, brother?"


@-Carnage226 @Deaths-Advocate @imtheomega @The-Hound 
            Issac gets his armor on and comes down to the main hall "im ready to do this"


@-Carnage226 @Deaths-Advocate @imtheomega @X__ryan__X 
            Everyone should prep in full battle armor 
            "Alexander would head to the armory to be suited up" 


Walks into the lower caverns of the castle and approaches a silver coffin...I would stop in front of the coffin and slide the top off revealing a decayed body with a dagger in the chest..."Well looks like big brother is gonna need you kid" he'd pull the dagger out allowing @X__ryan__X  body to begin the regeneration process the. Do a similar thing to @imtheomega


@The-Hound "ok will do" looks around the cavern


@X__ryan__X  Bael would smile" wait here for further instructions Isaac" Bael would suddenly disperse into a swarm of  bats all flying off.


@The-Hound "well i am pleased that you invite me For the coming war i will be a good trusted allie" 