
Celebrate people, a new update for Beauty is the Beast has been made today! 
          	 Everyone Enjoy!


Are you going to write sequel to book "Clash of a Brats" because this book was fun to read at least to me and l want to know what will happen to Hasiyo and Tayrio sensei 


If you think that you can't post it without Amaterasu and it's weird then l will wait as long as it takes


@AnaFilipovic4 We actually finished the sequel ages ago, but I haven't heard from Amaterasu in a while. I'm thinking about starting to post it soon, but it feels weird to do it alone.


Hiii Amaterasu! 
          How are you??
          Just wanted to say that you are super talented and I really really love your stories; especially ‘Beauty is the Beast’. 
          Big fan hahah.
          Just wanted to know when you’ll be updating?? 
          Thank you.


Sorry to bother you, l just want to ask you are you going to keep updating beauty is the beast book 2 or it will stay at hold? Because you updated last chapter long time ago and l want to know what will happen to Hasio (is she going to wake up from her sleep or not)? 


@AnaFilipovic4 Thank you so much for that information 


@AnaFilipovic4 Amaterasu will update one day, but nobody knows when. I don't know if I'm supposed to say this or not, but I asked around and there's something going around in his/her's life. The person I asked never specified with exactity what, but only that if Amaterasu wants to, they'll explain their absence whenever they return. I guess we can just hope for the best...