
Guys... I need to get a new life... cuz I have over 150 in my library... I need A LOT of help...


          Please have a look at novel Tango.
          Its a Romance , Drama and a bit funny.
          Hope you like it
          Tell me how you find it 


Guess what?... I Will Be Posting Soon, Hopefully In The Next Week!!! I've been in summer school, but it ends this week so look forward for some new, drama filled chapters!!!
          Btw, thanks for reading my story, even though there's only 2 parts!!!


Hello, I was wondering if you would read my book called His girl, Her dream and a guardian? I just need a couple of people to give me feedback, and since this book is kindof a jelsa book I was wondering if you would read it? Its a love triangle and you need to continue reading in the next updated chapters in order to see a bit of jelsa!
          Nice book you have there by the way