
t r y i n g ,
          	just    t r y i n g 
          	To  be  h e r 
          	To  be  able to   M O V E   like her 
          	To  be  able to   T A L K     like her
          	To  be  just  like  H E R !
          	A  voice  inside  me  says -
          	And  what about  Y O U ?
          	what about your  E X I S T E N C E ?
          	what  about  your  F E E L I N G S ?
          	what about the  R E A L   YOU ?
          	Darling; please don't  crush  your inner soul, your real self to become like someone else!!
          	BE   O  R  I  G  I  N  A  L !
          	BE   Y  O  U  ! 


@Amiserablewallflower Woohoo! Yess!! ❤❤❤


*looks everywhere* where are you, lips? *Tears up* remember me??
          I miss ya! Sooo much! How's life? :)


Missed you too❤


t r y i n g ,
          just    t r y i n g 
          To  be  h e r 
          To  be  able to   M O V E   like her 
          To  be  able to   T A L K     like her
          To  be  just  like  H E R !
          A  voice  inside  me  says -
          And  what about  Y O U ?
          what about your  E X I S T E N C E ?
          what  about  your  F E E L I N G S ?
          what about the  R E A L   YOU ?
          Darling; please don't  crush  your inner soul, your real self to become like someone else!!
          BE   O  R  I  G  I  N  A  L !
          BE   Y  O  U  ! 


@Amiserablewallflower Woohoo! Yess!! ❤❤❤


As they say-" we all are bad in someone's story" I sometimes feel that are we really being true to ourselves? we have been hiding our flaws underneath that fake mask of glam, under that fake accent ! Why do we do this?  To fit in according to the standards set by the world...we are transforming ourselves to someone we aren't! and still what do we get in return - judgmental glares and now & then rumours around the matter whatever we do we cant always fullfill the unlimited expectations of the people out there some or the person will definitely dislike some part of us and  talk bad about it! 
          So this women's day! 
          Lets celebrate our existence! Lets hug ourselves and disclose the flaws you have been hiding! Accept each other's drawbacks and learn to adjust with it! Lets not talk bad about anyone atleast in our story! Lets be ourselves for a while! Lets be proud of our life on earth! Be you! Stay blessed❤ 


@Amiserablewallflower i m fine! Seems like uh r toooo busy these days


@Amiserablewallflower yasss gurl!! Glad to know that it kinda encouraged you !❤stay blessed love


Heya guys! Anyone online!?


@Amiserablewallflower hii preet! Howz u? Its been so long... we have talked to each other...seems like ur busy these days