Ok, so seems WP is removing DMs (link here): https://support.wattpad.com/hc/en-us/articles/204412040-Private-Direct-Messages
To give my thoughts, kind of disappointed but not really rage about it. I mean think of this, DM might be personal chat but if you love the story and point out the writing, isn't public comments better? Inside the chapter?
Another point is, like other websites, some users have faced spambots, creepy people, bullying/drama users, and you know smut RP/chats still exist (I'm sure Discord does). So I can see the pros and cons of this decision but in the end, if you love the writer and story then why not comment in their chapter or profile page?
Lastly, almost everyone uses more than one website so if WP removes DMs, there are Discord and/or social media sites to socialize. Webtoon (and most other comic websites) never had DMs but because there's Reddit or Discord or any website, fans of webtoon make topic and chatter about it.
So this shouldn't be a huge deal, more like finding a solution for ourselves. To me, I've been always on both WP and Discord and frankly, I'm not much use WP's DM (except when I was an Ambs). If you're looking for chatting and topics, Discord and maybe Reddit is the best place.
When it comes to WP stories, I always comment in their story chapter just the same with Webtoons. It's better and I rather engage with their story there than DMs (even if I'm an introvert XD)