
Hey guys! I know I've been MIA lately but I have returned with news of my newest addition for you to read! TADAAAAA! A collection of (mostly disney) lyrics which I have translated from Swedish to English that are perfectly in sync with the music and can be sung without any '?' popping up in your thoughts (I hope) ^_^ 
          	Read them, try them, review them! 


Hey guys! I know I've been MIA lately but I have returned with news of my newest addition for you to read! TADAAAAA! A collection of (mostly disney) lyrics which I have translated from Swedish to English that are perfectly in sync with the music and can be sung without any '?' popping up in your thoughts (I hope) ^_^ 
          Read them, try them, review them! 


MEDDELANDE till alla svensktalande wattpaddare där ute! Till alla er som är intresserade av att vara med i de svenska Wattys i år! NU ÄR PORTALEN ÖPPEN, SPELET ÄR IGÅNG och allt ni behöver veta finns på kanalerna @WattysSE och @AmbassadorsSE så se till att följa dem! :D 
          Ha det bra och may the odds be ever in your favor! ;)
          Sarah aka Ani, Ambassadör


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :D I hope your 2015 was great and that you've got you New Years resolutions sorted ;) 
          I decided to start off my 2016 with a MAJOR editing spree! As I edit I will temporarily "unpublish" the story/chapter and then republish it :) 
          Starting with TAIL! So for like a week or two, none of the chapters will be available to readers. But it's not forever so stay tuned ;D


Hello! You can now read chapter 2 of Tail! As well as editing the prologue and the first chapter I also changed the titles of the chapters to 'Prologue', 'chapter 1', 'Chapter 2' and so on. I hope you like this story and stay tuned for more updates! :D 
          Happy reading! 
          Ani (some have started to call me that so I might as well start using it xD)


Woohoo! The second part of Tail is now ready for you guys to read! :D I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to comment, vote, like, follow and whatnot! ;) read it by following this link -->


@AniMangaL0ver Nice! I hope you enjoy it^^


@AniMangaL0ver Awesomeness! I'll go read it now :D