
I’ve been trying to write but instead have been editing and can’t seem to stop. Someone help 


@AnnonymusBookNerds lol... tip from a stranger... once you start editing... it is nearly impossible to go back to writing. XD


So I may have already written the chapter for Harry's Birthday ... Cx I couldn't sleep last night so that's what I did. I also didn't write the Ginny chapter... Sorry... HAPPY BORTHDAY CARA DELEVIGNE AND TO ANYONE ELSE WHO's BIRTHDAY IS TODAY... 


Hey guys. Sorry for the delay, me and Sunshine got into an argument and... We will update on the next due update, I promise, because of Sunshine doesn't do the chapter, I will. Again, sorry for our readers, and I'm sorry Sunshine. I feel so bad because I was being selfish, but all he same, I had a reason. I'm sorry a million times, and I love you, Sunshine and all of you. 
          ~ Smartie 


My crush is currently next to me, but it isn't awkward bcs he's just a guy, and I understand that. I think all girls should do the same. Guys are guys and there's nothing that will change that. He's my friend and nothing will change that, and again, I wish all girls -as well as boys- would continue on with their lives even with their crushes. I asked him for a ride to his band concert and he said he would but he's staying bcs he doesn't have one either. I'm catching one from my friend who also lives in my neighborhood. Hehe I love my friends 
          -y'all's favorite blogger, Smartie


The future comes too soon to be worried about it. If we spend our lives worrying about what the future will bring, we will never be prepared for that future. Don't be afraid of the day that hasn't come, because it will never come if all you do is think about it! Live life like it's your last chance, once tomorrow goes, you'll never get it back. Remember that the future is everyday, stop worrying about it! 
          - smartie 


Working on our HoO fanfic, remember Sunshine has horrible grammar, so the chapter will be bad. I am not going to edit it, sorry. There are fanfics with worse grammar than Sunshine's though so… haha she's my friend and knows I'm messing with her so… She pinched me yesterday! It almost hurt as much as my moms! I punched her back… it was funny. She has track practice- which I'm skipping- so wish her luck with Coach… and the weather. Houston, Texas can be cold too!