
Last summer, I found myself incredibly frustrated from all the Stolas hate because it felt like a lot of people were very blatantly downplaying Blitzo's flaws.
          	Nowadays, I find myself frustrated from all the Octavia hate, because I feel the current situation with her and Stolas is a much better example of neither character was 100% right, or 100% wrong. Both of them have their points and reasoning, and both made mistakes. Also, people just seem to forget that Octavia is canonically an emotionally vulnerable teenager.


@AnsonSauer Not to mention, Octavia doesn't truly know everything that went on behind the scenes, all she canonically "knows" is that some "red dickhead" showed up and "ruined" her "perfect" family.


In case you missed it, I know you said you probably won't change the holiday specials from Halloween 2021-4th of July 2022 for Chick Magnet, but I am thinking at least maybe Bee could be in a few of them, not all, but a few, since Queen Bee is likely coming before The Circus this time given chronological order, & the hound party original chapter with Loona & Roxy, & Bee now being sick during the chapter since it was written before she was officially revealed, & canon hellhound designs galore including the Hazbin pilot ones, you can also write Velvette instead of Velvet now too, & probably a joke about the Queen Bee episode in St. Patrick's Day 2022 since we are likely getting a second one soon. 
          Sorry if it sounds nitpicky, just don't want the chapters to be dated for new readers, that's all, plus I have pretty much memorized most of the chapters from before so I can give you a hand if needed. 
          So far for one shots, we have Millie's, Octavia's, & Kiki's, and the ones to still be added that were made already are Loona, Verosika (the first two are coming later like you said), Apple & Coco, Milky, Bee, Vaggie, Charlie, Sallie May, Cherri, Mayberry, Keenie, Gigi & Harley, Lin, Velvette, Strika, Roxy, Cyclone, & Alastra.
          Ones that we are still awaiting are Carmilla (likely after Ghostfuckers & before Mastermind storywise), Bella, Emily, Crymini (if she comes to the actual Hazbin series), Dia & Summer, Venus, Floofzia, Missi Zilla, Molly, Rebel (pretty sure she is a houndsona of one of the artists on Helluva), Scythe, Suki, Bel (depending on where she stands), Levi (same as Bel), Ruffie & Ruffette (depending on their change of heart, which is likely), & Deerie (you mentioned you may add her, but may not so on the fence then).
          Holiday chapters for 2025 we have Valentine's Day currently..
          Upcoming are St. Patrick's, April Fool's, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Independence Day, Halloween, Christmas & Sinsmas, any other holidays I am missing like Thanksgiving?


@AnsonSauer gotcha.they are like supervillains, though. I do wonder if they will have more original chapters focusing on them soon like they had a few, but I wonder if more will come too.


@jake0324demo I went with the group of people symbol since it was more literal, and because The Legion act like over the top supervillains


@AnsonSauer ah just like 2021-22 holidays, roadmap was accurate then
            another thing too, why is the Legion's symbol a group of people figures, I would have thought it would be something more threatening, unless I am missing something.


Hate to bring it up, but I guess it counts as good news in some way, the other author who really ripped you off, & many brought to you're attention does at least have the Apple & Coco one shot pretty much there, so not all hope is lost, that is unless you wanna start anew, but here's the link if you want to, I mean, it was your work after all:

          Also Ayylmao just posted everything we know about Hazbin Hotel season 2 so far.


@AnsonSauer ok, well it's there if you want.


I have that user blocked, so I’ll have to unblock them to see it 


Hey, looks like that one author who ripped you off on the one shot chapters actually deleted those chapters, the story is still up & the season 2 ones of The Circus & Seeing Stars where parts were taken from your stories are still there unfortunately.


He probably got called out by some people. 


I may have forgot, but if Stella & Andrealphus die canonically, will you change it so Y/N will kill them or no?
          Also with reuploads, for the holiday chapters before this years, will you make certain adjustments to any, like the Father's Day chapter from 2022 where the harem members, well most of, dream of having children with Y/N, will you change Charlie & Vaggie's fantasy since they were together with Y/N, & now knowing that Vaggie is Heavenborn, will you have a separate fantasy with her instead of her & Charlie together like before?
          I may have asked too, but will the previous holiday chapters from Halloween 2021-4th of July 2022, will you rework to include Bee as well, & possibly Carmilla, Dia, Summer you know?


@AnsonSauer Okay, I would say Queen Bee could be uploaded before the first half of season 2 this time, given that it was the last season 1 episode, so I would say Bee is probably the only one that could potentially be added then to the reuploads considering the hound party chapter without her is one, again up to you, just saying logically speaking, I can imagine her being added in maybe a few of the holiday chapters, not all, because her episode was supposed to release so much earlier, but legal reasons got in the way. I will say though in the St. Patrick's chapter from 2022, you may wanna change a joke about waiting for episode 8 now that it's out lol. Matter of fact, now you can say Bee instead of Tex's girlfriend now that we know Tex & Bee are dating (& in an open relationship).
            I had a feeling you would have Y/N officially kill Stella & Andrealphus just like he did with Adam. Knowing your intense hatred of those 2 birds, I understand it.


@jake0324demo He'll kill them too.
            I probably won't change the holiday specials since they do take place before some of those revelations and before Y/N met those characters

          Minus the head, do you think this would be something close to the wolf body armor YN wears when under Vox's control?
          Also, speaking of, what did happen to that armor when he broke free? Did he just get rid of it?


@AgentKansas632 It was more modern armor, similar to what SWAT officers or riot cops would wear, without a helmet. He just toke it off off-screen.


another sinner character like Crymini I am hoping joins the Hotel & also Y/N's harem is Villa. She is a poodle sinner like Crymini, both canine demons like our cambion hero, but not hellhounds. What do you think?


@AnsonSauer Okay, wonder if she will come in a later season, I just don't wanna see these characters get wasted.


@jake0324demo I'm not sure. I honestly know very little about her


So I know, with the reupload, we can expect YN to lose his eye and all that.
          But will he suffer any further injuries like that? Or will it just be his eye getting cut out?
          I've probably said this before, and I apologise if I already have, but I would have thought Lute would have taken his eye as a "trophy" or something instead of just stepping on it, and squashing it. Just feels, to me, like she'd want the bragging rights and her zealotry would make her feel even more determined to take more from YN. If she could take his eye, she could probably feel more determined to take his head next.
          Especially how she's treated him so far in the chapters before the fic got terminated.
          Again, that's just my honest outlook on it myself. I've got nothing on the way you handle your fanfic, and I look forward to seeing more reuploads.
          Also, nice work on the Sly Cooper chapter. An interesting dynamic seems to form here. And I like it 


Hey mate, awesome Sly Cooper chapter, we still are loved even if we aren't the Guard Dog of Hell right now, but of course, we could also get that back, that Carmilla role was a major shock.
          Lute of course isn't gonna be a harem member as she is listed as one who will never be joining though.
          I did also see that you said that the one shot for Apple & Coco didn't save properly, I put the details of what was in it in case you forgot in the Kiki one shot if you wanna look to make sure, just giving you a helping hand out.


@AnsonSauer Okie Dokie then, hopefully with what I mentioned it'll be an easier time rewriting when you can, heck you can probably make a whole new one, really up to you.


@AnsonSauer no problem,  got the other memos about Lute & the missing one shot?