
A female doctor was mercilessly gang r*ped and then killed in Kolkata. Police officers and local politicians seem to be involved in removing evidence, possibly due to the involvement of some of the political leader's children being involved in the crime. The victim's body was burnt forcefully and the family was not allowed. So, I request you all to please sign this petition:
          	And please email the top authorities of the country to look into the matter.


Thank you so much for reading JUST ANOTHER LOVE STORY, Arpita. I hope you’re enjoying the story so far. 
          I’d love it if you’d share your thoughts about it when it’s finished. It will help me fix any issues it has before I begin polishing it for self publishing. Thank you so much. 
          Have a wonderful day. 


Hi Arpita, 
            Thank you for reading Just Another Love Story all the way to the end. I hope you enjoyed it all. 


@evacharya Sure. Honestly, I think it's amazing, really. <3


A female doctor was mercilessly gang r*ped and then killed in Kolkata. Police officers and local politicians seem to be involved in removing evidence, possibly due to the involvement of some of the political leader's children being involved in the crime. The victim's body was burnt forcefully and the family was not allowed. So, I request you all to please sign this petition:

          And please email the top authorities of the country to look into the matter.


Thank you my old reader Arpita for giving another book of mine a chance ❤️✨ Hope you are enjoying Queen of Death. How is it so far? It's something different I am trying! 


@Ara_India yayyy! I am absolutely thrilled by your feedback ❤️


@Shivran86 You're one of my favorite authors on this platform, didi. You writing something, and me not reading it is impossible for me, at this point. And ofc, this book is amazing too. I'm loving it so far. Inanna, Bergin and Master Hor Aha are competing for being my fav character. Ka Alexandros is intriguing, our mysterious anti-hero, and Ishtar is somewhere in the middle. Amazing character names, as always. And btw, thanks for updating it today. ❤


Dear reader, I apologize for intruding into your space, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could spare some time to peruse my story, 'Solace.' I am confident that you will find it worthwhile and engaging. Thank you for considering my request.


Hi Arpita,
          Thank you for reading and voting on STONE 2 STONE. I hope you’re enjoying the story. 


@evacharya oh, I'm an Indian.


Ah, no one’s called me didi on this site before. Feels very welcoming. TY. Are you Nepali too? (I know your country is set to Bharat.)


@evacharya You're welcome, Eva didi. And yeah, STONE 2 STONE is awesome!<3