
well then arigatou for following me back haha lol :P


@NazQ_love Haha yeah if I ever (which I doubt) get that many Followers it's probably gonna be hard to keep up with lol xD...And 'thank you' in Japanese is 'arigatou'...Haha hope I spelt that right lol...Not the best speller in the world xD...Acturly I'm horrible at spelling :D


haha :P I like anime too, I just haven't watched that much but I like those that I've seen (but don't ask me what they are cause i can't remember xD) btw what is 'thank you' in Japanese? haha just curious...?? I always follow people who follow me, too, it does feel rude when someone follows you and you don't follow them back... unless you have like 10000000 followers... :P


Haha I've been in one of my Anime moods so now what ever word I do know in Japanese I tend to want to say it in Japanese... I did one day at school and my friend was like "Watching anime again?" I just nodded my head in shame lol...And I always follow the people who follow me xD I feel like a rude person if I don't... But that's just because I'm pretty easy going lol... And I just like following people (even though I forget to follow ppl a lot of the time xD)...THANK YOU AGAIN!!! ^.^