
Happy Holidays!


Hi! Happy new year! Sorry I disappeared for a bit,  I miss you! Hope you’re doing well <3 /p


@CloudWritesLife Thank you, that is so sweet and appreciated <3
            Oh! Nice, what role do you do? Are you a techie? Are you an actor? That’s so cool, and no problem, I’m more than spotty at replying myself
            I got a copy of Lord of the Flies, Upon Wings of Change, and the Sherlock Holmes oeuvre. I had a calm Christmas and New Years, thank you for asking.
            How about you? How have things been on your end?


@Arcticus-Lupus I’m so sorry to hear that. Sending all the love, thoughts, and prayers. 
            I’m really spotty on replies, it’s the opening week of our musical theater show so sorry if I’m still a little M.I.A. We’re doing Shrek the musical. 
            What’s the best things that’s happened lately? Did you have a good new years or Christmas or whatever you celebrate? Any good in all the hard stuffs?


@CloudWritesLife Oh, that’s a relief to hear. I’m glad to know that you had a nice time, and also that my messages didn’t come across as overbearing. 
            How have I been? Well, life has decided to kick me while I’m down, so not that well overall. Death, disease, pain, annoying relatives, the list goes on.
            But besides that, is there anything you want to talk about? I’m open to any topic :)


POV: it is 2:12 am, you have insomnia. You’re on your school iPad looking at artwork when your cat jumps on your bed next to you and gets reeeaally cuddle all of a sudden. You can’t get up because she moves onto your lap and that is a ✨rare✨ occasion when your cat is a former feral who still somehow brings home dead animals despite being locked indoors (there’ve been several exterminators come to remove the supposed animals and discovered that your cat can just ghost in and out of existence for the sole purpose of filling your shoes with mouse parts when you go to step into them before school starts.) Said cat begins to knead your lap, getting alarmingly close to your plain, fresh, delicious slice of whole wheat bread you plan to savour (late night cravings are mmmmmm [plain bread just hits different at 2am]) She then starts to eat the bread from your hand. She tears the bread away from you, taking the whole slice with her into the netherworld before respawning in a different part of your room (with that delicious bread still in her gaping maw) and she then knocks your glass of water off your desk, spilling the iced water onto your rug and folded blankets before despawning like some kind of mythological creature.
          I think I’m living with some kind of weird little mythical god that has a vendetta against me, or just the desperate need for me to sleep


I hope my unwilling offering of bread has appeased her enough that I will not feel the s q u e l c h of mouse guts in my shoe on Monday


Update: 2:23 am. The cat has respawned on top of my bookshelf with crumbs all over her face
            She has given me a small portion of my bread.
            I am honoured


I just made an art book that’ll release once per day at 6:00 am PST, sorry in advance if you have notifications on the volume setting and it goes off at 23:00 for you.
          It’s just random sketches and pieces of art I make in class and in my own free time. Feel free to check it out!


Farewell thee! I'll return upon the dawn of the fourth morn, but ne'er before then! I shall be vanquished from this realm of life, ne'er to beseech the light of day again! In this new time of darkness and folly, grant me unending strength and the light that might give me peace! Farewell, thee, for I mighst ne’er return!
          I'm going to school camp for the next four days. No phones are allowed. If anyone at that camp is dying, it's going to be whoever annoys me the most on the bus for the round trip of six hours.
          *cries in Shakespeare*


@Arcticus-Lupus my first thought was REN DOG?!


*Proudly holding up my neon yellow and dark blue not-quite-a-frog felted plushie I made with my art teacher’s felt scraps over the course of the last 5 hours while ignoring the current American Political Crisis and trying not to cry because my hand keeps cramping*
          His name is Lemon.


Love for Lemon


Also my cat keeps biting my arms and I don’t know why


Got DAMN baby 


@Whittyfans12 Too late for that. Also, why are you calling me baby?


@Whittyfans12 ? May I ask what you mean by that?