
Hey everyone! I hope it's been going well. 
          	I've been continuously writing Companion With Sins over the pas few months. However, I've been writing it piecemeal, or not linearly, so it's difficult for me to post it because it isn't a coherent story at the moment. Once it all connects, I'll post it for everyone to read!
          	 In the meantime, stay awesome! <3 


Hey everyone! I hope it's been going well. 
          I've been continuously writing Companion With Sins over the pas few months. However, I've been writing it piecemeal, or not linearly, so it's difficult for me to post it because it isn't a coherent story at the moment. Once it all connects, I'll post it for everyone to read!
           In the meantime, stay awesome! <3 


I updated the cover page for Companion With Sins! 
          Sorry I haven't been too active,  I just went off to college so I've spent a lot of the past few weeks adjusting to being an adult! But, now I'm in a routine and I actually have a lot of free time to write so expect the next chapter soon! 
          Thanks for your continued support, I couldn't do it without you guys. Catch you on the flip! <3


I ended up being able to publish the newest chapter, Together Forever, tonight. Woot! I hope you enjoy and leave any thoughts you have about it. They are very much appreciated! 
          Thanks so much. <3 And don't forget to stay awesome! 


Hey everyone! 
          I know it's been a while since I've posted the last chapter in Companion With Sins, but I'm going to change that. I've started writing at least one hour a day, and it's really adding up. I should have another chapter up either late tonight or sometime tomorrow, so keep your eyes open. 
          Thanks so much for your keeping up with my story. It really means so much to me <3


Hey there! I was wondering if you'd be interested in critiquing/reviewing  my book The Children of Time? I'd love some feedback so if you have time (cause I'm sure your busy)  I'd really, really appreciate it :) just let me know 


I read the description of your book and it seems really interesting. I'll try and get to it tonight, but if not, tomorrrow for sure because that's when my summer break starts. Thank you for reaching out to me as I'm always willing to help any way that I can! :) 


Hey everyone! The next two weeks or so are going to be really busy for me because I have five classes, each with two or three exams, that I have to study for and take. So, I will try to keep writing when I'm not focused on school work, but I won't have that much free time and I apologize if you don't see a new chapter for a bit. (Don't worry too much though because after exams I'll have a bunch of free time and I'll get to focus solely on writing!) Thanks for your patience and your awesomeness. <3 


          Hi Aria! Have you been pressured before? Want to share your experience and give others guidance? Or are you being pressured now? Need support?? Well, ProjectStandUp is for you!
          Care to join us? Add the hashtag to your book/bio to join the cause. To find out what we believe in, simply read our book. 
          We are also looking for an Assistant and a Graphics designer. To apply, read our bio.
          The Change Starts Here. 