
Hey Everyone! Check my PSA on TWDT!!!!


Wow, It's been forever since I've been on here. But.. um.. I'll try to upload a story sooner or later before the New Year, thank you all who added "The Water Dragon's Tears" to your library or reading lists, I appreciate it dearly!


Oh my gosh everyone, I'm so sorry. I had to reset my computer and ended up losing all of my progress on The Water Dragon's Tears and Why do you haunt me so. I'll try to write the next chapter for The Water Dragon's Tears, I still have some notes for it. But otherwise Why do you haunt me so will be stopped.


Everyone, I've decided to continue TWDT, even if it means stoppinf Why do you haunt me so. I will try my very best to pull out a chapter for you all. After looking at how much of you guys have read and supported it. I now really want to get back into it. So thus, I will try my very best to update periodically for all of you!


Sorry everyone I haven't updated! I'll try to push out a chapter as soon as I can, but lately I haven't really felt motivated. But the mac I got today may hero with that! Hope to see you guys soon when I hopefully finish the next chap for Why do you haunt me so.


Sorry everyone, this Monday's chapter for Why do you haunt me so won't come until next week.  I'm terribly sorry, but I haven't felt creative this week and I've gotten stress. I hope you all understand, I'll attempt to give you all a double chapter next week.