@Asfjkshja I replied to them yesterday.
Some tried to cheer me up ( my cousin. She is a kid but she has friend in me) some did their best to do things to heal me ( Nini , she spent a night listening songs , telling me comforting things , she understands me beyond words) ,
Some were very worried ( my kid cousin and childhood friend- they called and spammmed text within 3 days of my disappearance, trying their best to reach to me), some reached me through call , talked to me for hours (moonbear , she called and tried to cheer me up for an hour . ) some got a little angry for not replying ( my childhood friend- angry out of love. She loves me.)
Some thought I have become lazier, somethings wrong with me, some didn't remember me until I texted.
The music didn't my mind be taken over , consumed by things that would hurt me irreversibly .
Little things matter . They do , to me. They all helped me to hold on longer. I'm thankful for these people.